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Charging and Remissions Policy


1          Introduction

Section 449-46 of the Education Act 1996 sets out the law on charging for school activities in schools.

This Charging and Remissions Policy for St Mary’s C E Primary School has been reviewed in conjunction with the updated October 2014 DfE departmental advice for charging for school activities.

1.1       All the education we provide during normal school hours is at no charge to pupils. We do not charge for any activity undertaken as part of the National Curriculum. However, we may charge for some additional extra activities such as individual or small group music tuition.

2          Aims and Objectives

2.1       The aims of this policy will:

  • set out what the school will not charge for, what it will make a charge for or request a voluntary contribution from parents/carers;
  • clarify how charges will be determined, so parents and carers understand why requests for payment are sometimes made for some activities.

3          Voluntary contributions

Nothing in legislation prevents a Board or Local Authority from asking for voluntary contributions for the benefit of the school or any school activities.

The school may recover the full costs of the following activities, which may be provided directly or through commissioned services but charges will not exceed actual cost:

  • Educational or other activities provided wholly or mainly outside school hours, which

are not:

(a) Part of the National Curriculum.

(b) Part of a syllabus for prescribed public examination, which the pupil is being  prepared for at school.

(c) Part of religious education.

(Note: This could include before and after school clubs run by the school)

  • Cost of entering a pupil for a public examination not prescribed in regulations, and for the cost of preparing a pupil for that examination outside school hours.
  • Board and lodgings on residential visits (subject to remission arrangements).
  • Cost of entering a pupil for a prescribed public examination including re-sits where no preparations have been provided by the school.
  • Provision of instrumental and vocal tuition, which takes place during the school day and which has been requested by parents/guardians.
  • Provision of materials/ingredients for subjects such as Art & Design or Food Technology,
  • where pupils take home a finished product.

3.1       When organising school trips or visits to enrich the curriculum and the educational experience of the children, the school invites parents and carers to contribute to the cost. All contributions are voluntary. If we do not receive sufficient voluntary contributions, we reserve the right to cancel a trip. If a trip goes ahead, it may include children whose parents or carers have not paid any contribution. We do not treat these children differently from any others.

3.2       If a parent wishes their child to take part in a school trip or event, but is unwilling or unable to make a voluntary contribution, we do allow the child to participate fully in the trip or activity. Sometimes the school pays additional costs in order to support the visit. Parents and carers have a right to know how each trip is funded, and the school provides this information on request.

3.3       The following is a list of additional activities, organised by the school, which require voluntary contributions from parents and carers. These activities are known as “optional extras”.’  This list is not exhaustive:

  • visits to museums;
  • fieldtrips and research visits;
  • sporting activities which require transport expenses;
  • outdoor adventure activities;
  • visits to or by a theatre company;
  • school trips abroad;
  • musical events

4          Residential visits

4.1       Parents and carers who receive state benefits or in receipt of Pupil Premium Grant Funding (PPG) are exempt from this charge on a case by case basis. 

5          Music tuition

5.1       All children study music as part of the normal school curriculum. We do not charge for this.

5.2       There is a charge for individual or small-group music tuition, since this is an additional curriculum activity, and not part of the National Curriculum. These individual or small-group lessons are taught by peripatetic music teachers. We make a charge for these lessons, but parents and carers in receipt of state benefits or PPG are exempt from payment. We give parents and carers information about additional music tuition at the start of each academic year.

6          Swimming

6.1       The school organises swimming lessons for children in Key Stage 2. These take place in school time and are part of the National Curriculum. We make no charge for this activity from parents and carers or to cover the cost of transport. We inform parents and carers when these lessons are to take place, and we seek the written permission of parents or carers for their children to take part.

7          Additional sports coaching

7.1       The school is sometimes able to secure the services of a qualified specialist sports coach in addition to our resident sports coach. It is necessary for the school to make a charge for this service and so children attending these sessions may be asked to contribute financially toward the cost of the coaching session. The school does routinely offer additional football coaching after school.

8          School minibus

8.1       We normally request a voluntary contribution if children are transported in the minibus to an extra-curricular activity. However, we use these payments only to cover the expenses of the trip, and not to make a profit.

9          Remisions Policy

9.1       Where the school has agreed to implement charges for activities listed under ‘’optional extras, for those children in receipt of pupil premium grant funding (PPG) the school has agreed to waive on a case by case basis contributions and costs.

9.2       Charges for other ‘chargeable activities’ may also be fully or partly remitted.  Details of any remission arrangements will be made clear when parents are informed of charges for individual activities.

10        Freedom of Information/Publication Scheme

We endeavour to publish as much information as possible on our website – this is free to download and a paper copy if requested by a parent will be supplied free of charge.

10.1     An administration charge will be made if asked to provide any written evidence confirming attendance; status showing on/off roll or benefit claims.  These are currently charged at £10 per letter.

10.2     Please note, St Mary’s C E staff are not obliged to sign passport applications or any other documentation in regard to resident permits, citizenship or leave to remain.

10.3     Printing any documentation not available on our website will incur a charge – this is currently 10p per sheet.

10.4      We reserve the right to charge an admin fee on a case by case basis.

10.5     Staff should be reminded that any printing or copying for personal use is not permitted unless payment has been made.

11        Monitoring and review

11.1     This policy is monitored by the Governing Board, and will be reviewed on an annual basis (or earlier if new guidance/directives are provided to the school/Board).

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