Complaints procedure
If a parent is concerned about anything to do with the education that we are providing at our school, they should, in the first instance, discuss the matter with their child's class teacher. Where parents or carers feel that a situation has not been resolved through contact with the class teacher, or that their concern is of a sufficiently serious nature, they should make an appointment to discuss it with the headteacher. The headteacher considers any such complaint very seriously, and investigates each case thoroughly. Only when such steps have been followed and the parent remains dissatisfied should the complaint be taken forward to the governing body. The governors do all they can to resolve the complaint to the parent's satisfaction. If the complaints is not resolved, a parent may make representation to the LA or the LDBS. If any parent is still not content that the complaint has been dealt with properly, then s/he is entitled to appeal to the Secretary of State for Education.
For further details please see our Complaints Policy